Friday, June 12, 2015

Cucuron and Aix

one of our pre-lunch roads
It was time to leave the coast and head into Provence.  We had planned to reach the town of Nyon but the weather forecast for today and the weekend was for on and off thunderstorms and there was nothing in that town to keep us indoors.  We took the autoroute and then two minor roads through the hilly, rocky landscape.

We had a lunch date with our friend Janis in the charming town of Cucuron. She had recommended a restaurant that was used in the filming of the 2006 movie A Good Year, which we have not seen.  The filming was irrelevant since this is one of her favorite spots and the meal was excellent. The rain held off but it was clear that Aix-en-Provence, just 30 minutes away, would provide the needed rainy-day entertainment for the weekend.
our Cucuron restaurant with the yellow awning

We had just secured a room when the deluge began and continues two hours later.  Will we get to use our patio over the next two days?

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