Thursday, June 4, 2015


Musee d'Art Moderne et d'art Contemporain
Laundry day has arrived again, and Nice provided several options.  After a late start we located a laundromat, completed that task, found picnic supplies at a Carrefour market next door, ate at a nearby park, and by 2 were ready to see a bit more of Nice and its museums.

We started at the Musee des Beaux Arts but soon discovered both that it was no longer free (as of January) but more important that only the first floor was open due to an instillation being installed on the upper floors.  So we chose instead the Musee d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain housed in a striking building.  The museum collection includes several works by Yves Klein and Niki de Saint Phalle as well as other mainly French and American modern artists. 

Niki de Saint Phalle's Dragon positive and negative
The 1990 building consists of four windowless square towers linked by glass elliptical sections.  The roof terraces provide views of the surrounding area.  Near the museum is the Old Town of narrow streets, several churches, many restaurants, gift shops, and ice cream vendors, where we meandered for 40 minutes before returning to the bike and back to Villefranche.

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